Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A Special Peace

I want to share a story with you. This week we are doing a day camp for Samaritan Inn in McKinney. Today was our first day, and it got off to a rough start. Not only did we almost have several wrecks on our way, but when we arrived, unbeknownst to us, the two ladies who are coordinating the entire day camp were off work today. No one else knew anything about us. Aaron and I were standing in the lobby wondering if we would even be having a day camp this week.

Finally, we found two kids who wanted to come to our day camp, a three year old and a four year old. So we set off to our location. Now I don’t know how often you entertain 3&4 year olds, but they definitely don’t have long attention spans. Those two kids had the best time, though. I think they were elated to have the attention of 10 people whose sole purpose was to play with them.

The highlight of the day for me was watching the mother of the little boy take a long overdue nap while we entertained him. She told me she never gets a chance to take a break. (I believe it after chasing her little boy around the gym! He has a ton of energy.) I always thought about Camp Machaceh impacting the campers not the adults. But I will never forget the look of peace and utter relief on her face as we talked.

God works in amazing ways. I am so pumped about what He’s going to do the rest of the summer!

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