Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Got Armor?

Enjoy these pictures of Summer 2008!

Monday, July 14, 2008

What happens when we don't have internet access...

I have much to share with you. So much has happened since my last post: we went on our Leadership Trek with our staff, we had our first week of camp, and we started our second week of camp. I will do my best to fill you in on our current happenings, but it might take a few posts...

Leadership Trek (a.k.a. staff canoe trip):

We had so much fun canoeing down the Buffalo National River. By the end of our trip we had paddled 50 miles. Here are a few things I learned:
  1. A phrase you never want to hear when you are on a canoe trip: "I was using my canoe paddle as a spear to kill spiders, and when I looked up we were in a tree."

  2. Raccoons can open 5-gallon buckets if they try hard enough, and apparently they really like Laffy Taffy.

  3. Hiking 6 miles round trip for trash bags is not worth it unless you eat ice cream and bring back Dr. Pepper for the group.

Overall, we had an awesome 9 days. Our staff is united in a very special way because of that trip.

Enjoy these pictures of our trip!

Aaron and me paddling away!

Our group (minus Aaron) prior to setting out.

Beautiful scenery!

Goofy Girls!

Our group paddling down the river!

Monday, June 23, 2008

And We're Off...

I don't have long, but I wanted to write a quick update before we set out on our Leadership Trek bright and early tomorrow morning...

Our counselors arrived yesterday, and we love them! Yea! We are having a blast getting to know everyone. We spent most of today [Sunday] preparing for our 8 day canoe trip to the Buffalo National River in Arkansas. But now the van is mostly packed, our kayak is saran wrapped--don't ask, and now all Aaron and I have to do is get to bed!!

Thank you so much to all of you who are praying for us! We appreciate it more than you know! Please pray for safety as we travel to the River and while we are canoeing and hiking this next week.

I will leave you with some pictures of our preparation and our armor. We have a suit of Roman armor--real metal armor, not the fake plastic costume stuff. We got it this past week, and if you know Aaron at all, you know the first thing he did was put it on--all of it! Enjoy!

Me with most of our food for our Trek...

My sweet parents helped us out a bunch this past week.

And now for the armor...

Check back July 1 or 2 for an update about the Trek...

Monday, June 16, 2008

Camp Machaceh Workday

Time has definitely gotten away from me. I am behind on updating this thing! Our counselors arrive this coming Saturday! Camp is almost here! The journey is beginning, or I guess I should say continuing! Please pray for Aaron and me in these final days of preparation.

We want to thank everyone who participated in the Camp Machaceh Workday on Saturday, June 7! We couldn't have finished everything without you! Thank you Open Door and our small group!

We built everything from stage decks to initiative supplies, and we made camp rocks for our campers. Here are a few pictures from the day:

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Gideon's Army

Lately, Aaron has been calling our summer staff Gideon's Army and for good reason. Back in the fall when we started planning for this summer, we thought we needed at least 10 counselors. "We can't possibly run our program with less," we thought. But here we are three and a half weeks until staff training starts, and we have half the number we thought we needed.

I can just imagine Gideon's face when God told him "you have too many men for me to deliver Midian into [your] hands" (Judges 7:2). I imagine him thinking something along these lines: "Are you sure God? Have you seen the Midianite army? You want to reduce my army of thousands down to 300?!" (Find the whole story of Gideon in Judges 6-8.)

But God in His infinite love and wisdom had a plan for those 300 men. In Judges 7:2, God goes on to explain why He wants to reduce the army: "in order that Israel may not boast against Me that her own strength has saved her."

Put another way: "Faith does not operate in the realm of the possible. There is no glory for God in that which is humanly possible. Faith begins where man's power ends." --George Muller

If God wants to use 5 counselors and Aaron and me to show His love to campers this summer, who am I to question Him? After all, He often uses a very small number of people to do very big things. (Gideon isn't the only example. Read Judges. And the rest of the Bible for that matter.) While I still hope and pray that God will provide at least one more counselor, I can rest in the knowledge that His plan is perfect. I have faith that He will provide the staff we need to run three weeks of camp. And in the end, God gets all the glory because the only explanation for Camp Machaceh's success is His provision.

In the mean time, we are ecstatic about the summer! We cannot wait to meet our campers! Please pray with us as the summer draws near. Pray for our staff, our campers, and Aaron and Stephanie as we finish up last minute details.

Thanks for joining us on this journey!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Exhausted But Energized

"Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." ~Isaiah 40:28-31 (NIV)

I [Stephanie] love this passage! I often feel weary and exhausted when I think about all I have left to do before June 21 when our counselors arrive. But when I take the time to stop and meditate on God's Word, I am truly renewed, refreshed, and reenergized. That's the way it's supposed to be. Many times I think we forget that doing God's work IS exhausting--that it's ok, even normal to be tired and worn down. However, we must remember to go back to Him for our strength and renewal. Perhaps Oswald Chambers put it best:

"You have no right to say-'O Lord, I am so exhausted.' He saved and sanctified you in order to exhaust you. Be exhausted for God, but remember that your supply comes from Him." ~Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest

In what area of your life is God using you to the point of exhaustion? Are you turning to Him for your strength? It's definitely worth it!

Camp News

Staff: Praise God for providing another staff member! Yea Hunter! It's awesome to see how God is bringing this summer together. Aaron and I have been praying hard about the whole staff thing, so this is truly an answer to prayer! God's timing is always perfect!

A quick note on Kroger Share Cards: Kroger has recently changed its program. The Share Cards you have no longer work, as I'm sure you've already figured out. The new program will connect Camp Machaceh with your KrogerPlus Card. We will let you know when we have more details on this new program. We also have programs with Albertson's and Tom Thumb/Randalls. You can find out more information at

Thanks for you prayers and support as we continue on this exciting journey!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

5.5 Weeks and Counting

This morning I [Stephanie] realized that we only have five and half weeks until our counselors arrive to begin training. Five and half weeks left to finish a million and a half details. (Ok. So it's not really that many, but sometimes it feels that way!) Despite the lack of time and long to do list, I still find myself awaiting the start of Summer 2008 much like a child waiting for Christmas morning. I simply cannot wait to see our campers this summer! I can't wait to see how our campers from last year have grown and changed, and I can't wait to meet our new campers. On July 6, all the hard work and complete craziness will be forgotten, replaced by pure joy as I watch each camper experience all that God has for them in five jam-packed days at camp.

Please join me in praying for each camper. Pray that they will be ready to hear what God has to say to them during camp and in the weeks following. Pray that they will meet with God in a powerful way. Pray for their health and safety. Pray that God will do more than we can ask or imagine this summer.

Thanks for your prayers. It's amazing what can happen in a camper's life in just five days. I can't wait to share with you stories and pictures of Summer 2008! Check the countdown over to the right--July is closer than you think!

I'll leave you with some of my favorite pictures from last summer:

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Taste of Camp Machaceh 2008

On Friday, April 25 we held our first annual "A Taste of Camp Machaceh" in Houston. It was a great success. We had about 30 people for lunch at the Bells & Whistles Cafe. (Sidenote: If you are ever in Houston in the vicinity of Minute Maid Park, the Bells & Whistles Cafe is definitely a great lunch choice!)

Guests were treated to delicious food and a "taste" of what campers will experience this summer. Thanks to all of you who came and helped make the first "A Taste of Camp Machaceh" a huge success! Also, special thanks to our family and friends who helped us prepare and who pray for us!

Enjoy these pictures of a fun afternoon!