Monday, May 3, 2010

The Solution to the Recession Micah 6:8

Economists have labeled this period in history we live in as “The Great Recession”. Everyone has been directly affected including all involved with Camp Machaceh and all those we serve.The million dollar question: What is the solution to this recession?

The prophet Micah brought a curse against Israel:

14 You will eat but never have enough. Your hunger pangs and emptiness will still remain. And though you try to save your money, it will come to nothing in the end. You will save a little, but I will give it to those who conquer you. 15 You will plant crops but not harvest them. You will press your olives but not get enough oil to anoint yourselves. You will trample the grapes but get no juice to make your wine. 16…You will be treated with contempt, mocked by all who see you.” (Micah 6:14-16)

The Israelites’ worship was hollow and ritualistic. God brought the charge against them of not being just and not being faithful to Him. For these reasons they were cursed. I was haunted by this passage when I read it with regard to what our society is facing.

Our society has many idols and is full of injustice. We definitely are surrounded by a people who are never satisfied with what they have, who have all of the things but no reserves, and who toil only to receive no reward. This societal pattern is greatly reflected even in our church.

The root of the “Great Recession” will be debated by economists for generations. However, Micah was very clear that the root of the problem is the depravity of the heart. It is sin that led to a culture that can not be content, that overlooked the needs of our neighbor, and was filled with nominal church members. God required his followers to “act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8). The only reasonable way this is accomplished is through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Jesus lived life with the outcasts of society. He touched lepers, empowered women, praised children, and healed gentiles. But Jesus did not stop there. All of these actions were great, but they were signs. Signs that the Kingdom of God had arrived and all who believed could freely participate. Jesus challenged hollow religion, redefined it, and liberated us; Jesus is the liberating king. The disciples understood the truth of Jesus’ liberation at Pentecost. They then burst out in the crowd and proclaimed the good news.

How excited do we get about our liberating king? We are faced with a society shaped by the broken and wounded. Do we choose to live according to this corrupted pattern? No. As followers of Jesus we must break free and live the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We must live justly, with mercy, and walk with God. For it is in the freedom of Christ that we can truly find contentment and the solution to the “Great Recession”.

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